General Features

On the basis of average values, adult male cats weigh between 3 kg and 7 kg, while female cats weigh between 2 kg and 5 kg. Their width is approximately 30 centimeters and their length is around 80 centimeters. Average cat lifespan is 15 years. However, cats can live for more than 20 years with the support of good nutrition.

The cat's senses are very keen. By touching a foreign object once with its paw, it gains an idea of ​​its nature. It can have an idea about a food just by sniffing it, and abandons a food if it does not like its smell, even without tasting it.

Cats are great at integrating experience with knowledge. Cats learn many things through imitation and observation. In this way, they can learn to turn the door knob, even ring the bell whenever they want to enter the house.

When they become your friends, you can be sure that a permanent bond will be formed between you and your pet throughout your life. They love you unconditionally, and their only expectation is proper, regular care and attention so that they can live a healthy, happy and long life.



Although the pregnancy period in cats lasts 63 days on average, this period can vary between 57-67 days. The first symptoms of pregnancy begin to manifest themselves in the third or fourth week. The cat's nipples become dark pink and a noticeable increase in appetite is observed. The average number of offspring is four. Matters you need to pay attention during pregnancy are as follows:

Nutrition: The most important issue during pregnancy is nutrition. Since the needs of your friend will highly increase during this period, the food to be given to him should be chosen carefully.

Changes in Temperament: Your friend's temperament may change during pregnancy. Be prepared for this, and consult your veterinarian if you find it necessary.

Choosing a Place: Pre-determine the place where your friend will give birth, and let her get used to it.

Caring: Provide a special care for your friend in this process.

Remember to feed your friend Benefit Kitten Multi-Cat during pregnancy.




Your friend will give birth without any problems. However, if you observe the following symptoms, contact your veterinarian immediately.

  • If the mother cat pushes harshly for hours, for example, for more than 2 hours, but the kitten is not visible
  • If the kitten was still not born 10 minutes after he appeared in the birth canal
  • If the fluid-filled membrane is coming out of the birth canal and swollen, and there is still no kitten delivered after 10 minutes
  • Sudden weakness or loss of consciousness of the mother cat
  • If the mother is lying when she should be taking care of the kittens and breathing irregularly
  • If there is heavy bleeding from the vagina
  • If one or more of the kittens do not start sucking on their own.

During the few days following the birth, observe your friend and kittens closely, but make sure to do this at regular intervals and without disturbing your friend.

Do not allow strangers and other pets to go near to them. Do not touch the kittens, do not separate them from your friend, and do not relocate the box.

Keep food and clean water ready in a place where your friend can easily access. If you are going to put the litter box in the same room, put it as far away from the kittens as possible.

Your friend's appetite and mobility should be in good condition, and the kittens should suck their mothers. You can tell if the kittens are getting enough nutrition by looking at whether they are sucking milk or not.

Remember to feed your friend with Benefit Kitten Multi-Cat in breastfeeding period.



Nutrients are extremely important in your friend's diet. Having nutrients more or less than the ideal amount will harm your friend.

For your little friend, a complete and balanced diet is one of the cornerstones of good health. Therefore, when choosing their food, make sure that it is fresh, and that it contains DHA, Taurine, which is an essential amino acid, minerals in ideal proportions, and quality raw materials.

You can examine the nutritional values given ​​in the tables on the back of the packages of Benefit New-Born and Kitten Multi-Cat, as well as in the products section of our webpage.

You should know that the items in the table of contents are listed from the highest to the lowest in terms of amount.

You can view the table of contents on the back of the Benefit New-Born and Kitten Multi-Cat packages, and in the products section on our webpage.

Do not forget that nutrients should be in balanced proportions. The most important guideline is that the values ​​are not wide-ranging, but precise.

It is extremely important for a healthy diet to feed your little friend with the product you trust.

When deciding on the food you will use, consider its special needs such as its age, skin tenderness, hairballs, castration status, and weight.

It is recommended for you to choose the food in the light of this information.

When you examine the Benefit New-Born and Kitten Multi-Cat, you will see that it meets all the requirements.

You will witness yourself that your little friend cannot resist the taste of Benefit New-Born and Kitten Multi-Cat.

Thanks to this reliability, you can see the phrase of “100% eating guarantee” on the front of the packages;

Nutritional Conditions:

After choosing the food, the most important step is to provide suitable nutritional conditions.

  • Your little friend's food bowl should be in a quiet environment.
  • There should always be fresh water next to the food, in an easily accessible place.
  • The place where the food and water bowl are located should be as far away as possible from the areas such as near the litterbox.
  • Consider the recommended consumption amounts written on the package. Recommended consumption amounts are optimal. Depending on the physical activity of your cat, physiological condition and climatic conditions, these consumption amounts may be increased or decreased.
  • Store the package at ambient temperature, and keep it sealed. Ensure it is not exposed to moisture, humidity, and direct sunlight.


When switching from your current food to Benefit or from baby food to adult food, you must apply the 7-day transition system.