
Taking care of your friend is extremely important for its wellbeing. If they are used to these treatments when they are young, it would be easy to maintain them in adulthood as well. In cases where it resists, you need to be more patient and softer. Care should be provided is as follows:

Combing: Combing prevents your friend from swallowing too much dead hair while cleaning itself, as well as gives it a more beautiful appearance. Hair is the reflection of a healthy diet.

Eye Cleaning: Dirt may accumulate in the inner corner of the eye. This dirt should be wiped gently with a cloth moistened with special lotions. The cat's eyes and nose should not be runny.

Ear Cleaning: There should be no foreign objects in the auricles. This dirt should be gently wiped with a cloth moistened with special lotions. Cotton swabs should not be used.

Tooth Cleaning: Brushing is important to prevent the formation of tartar. The teeth should be cleaned with the help of a special brush or folded cloth and a paste special for cats.



It is extremely important to keep your friend's weight under control in order to extend his life as much as possible and keep him healthy. Remember that excess weight puts pressure on organs such as the heart, liver, bones and joints, and causes many other health problems. Planning the daily diet in accordance with the activity of your friend will reduce the risk of gaining weight. Weight control methods include:

Routine Weight Control: Ask your veterinarian to check the weight of your friend every time you visit the clinic.

Saggy Tummy: It is the most basic indicator that your friend is above his ideal weight.

Rib Control: Place your hands on your friend's rib cage. If you cannot feel his ribs, it is clear that your friend has a weight problem.